confirm ("Select an Option!"); It takes a "message" value in string format to display in the confirmation dialogue you want to show the user. The confirm method returns a Boolean output, either true or false, if the OK is selected. A boolean indicating whether OK (true) or Cancel (false) was selected.
What is a confirm method in Windows 10?
The confirm () is a method of the window object. The confirm () shows a system dialog that consists of a question and two buttons: OK and Cancel. The confirm () returns true if the OK button was clicked or false if the Cancel button was selected.
What is a confirm box?
A confirm box is often used if you want the user to verify or accept something. A confirm box takes the focus away from the current window, and forces the user to read the message. Do not overuse this method. It prevents the user from accessing other parts of the page until the box is closed. Optional. The text to display in the confirm box.
What is isconfirmed in websecurity?
The IsConfirmed () method returns a value that indicates whether the specified user has been confirmed. Any access to the WebSecurity object throws an InvalidOperationException if: The InitializeDatabaseConnection () method has not been called SimpleMembership is not initialized (or disabled in the website configuration)